1.2.6 Allows recall of lines scrolled off the screen _____ ______ ______ __ _____ ________ ___ ___ ______ 1.2.6 Allows recall of lines scrolled off the screen
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ Another important optional feature of FANSI-CONSOLE is that when you
pause with Scroll-Lock, it allows you to see lines which have already
left the top of the screen. Such lines would otherwise be gone for
good. Now you can even print them. We call this the scroll recall
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ feature. Unlike some scroll recall programs, FANSI-CONSOLE saves the
lines in full color, and they may be saved regardless of the current
screen display mode. For more information about the scroll recall
feature, see the chapter entitled "Detailed Installation" and the
section entitled "How do I use the scroll recall feature?" in the
chapter entitled "Scroll Recall". Note the latter chapter is not in
abbreviated ___________ the abbreviated user manual found on the diskette, but is contained
in the complete printed user manual.
1.2.7 Allows much more type ahead _____ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ 1.2.7 Allows much more type ahead
Your keystrokes are called "type ahead" when the currently running
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ program is not reading them at the moment. FANSI-CONSOLE has a much
larger type ahead buffer than the standard IBM-PC console software.
Sometimes the program is busy with a previous command. Other times
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ the program just does not require keyboard input. FANSI-CONSOLE
allows 255 characters of type ahead. The standard IBM-PC console
software allows only 15 characters. This means you are much less
likely to get that horrible beep that means your keystrokes are being
ignored because the currently running program is busy. The
convenience of so much type ahead also brings problems of discovering
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ that you mistyped something early on. So FANSI-CONSOLE also allows
_____ ___ ____ _____ ______ you to flush the type ahead buffer with a Ctrl-F without stopping the
currently running program. Also Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, and Ctrl-S, all
flush the type ahead buffer before their normal action. This means
programs do not ignore you when you type these keys just because you
happened to have typed ahead something else earlier. For more
information about key usage, see the section entitled "How do I use
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ the FANSI-CONSOLE keyboard?".
A feature that owners of most IBM-PC color graphics adapter (CGA)
FANSI-CONSOLE _________ _____________ clones, will love is that FANSI-CONSOLE can be used to eliminate
______ _______ _______ screen flicker (blink) as it is scrolled. With some adapters, like
Tecmar's Graphics Master, this is usable in both software and
hardware scrolling modes. With these same adapters, some TopView
___ compatible programs (when not running under TopView) can be made to
write to the screen faster and not blink the screen even if they
write to the screen memory directly. Unfortunately, with the standard
IBM-PC color graphics adapter, this is only usable when using quick
hardware scrolling mode because of a hardware design deficiency
__ (well, we call it that). To identify these adapters more easily when
making purchasing decisions, we have included a program called SNOW
which may be used to determine whether an adapter requires that
annoying blinking during software scrolling. For more information
about eliminating screen flicker, see the chapter entitled "Detailed
1.2.14 Provides support for displays with more rows and columns ______ ________ _______ ___ ________ ____ ____ ____ ___ _______ 1.2.14 Provides support for displays with more rows and columns
For display adapters with enough display memory and appropriate CRT
FANSI- ______ controller chip, and screens with a long persistence phosphor, FANSI-
CONSOLE _______ CONSOLE supports several 50 line interlace screen display modes. Note
that this support can not be used on the standard IBM-PC Monochrome
Display and Printer Adapter, because it does not have enough screen
memory. For more information about 50 line screen display modes, see
the subsection describing the FANSI-SCRNMODE parameter for the FANSI-
SOV command in the chapter entitled "Changing Options at Run-time".
abbreviated ___________ Note that this chapter is not in the abbreviated user manual found on
the diskette, but is contained in the complete printed user manual.
For Enhanced Graphics Adapters with Enhanced Graphics Displays,
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ FANSI-CONSOLE supports several 43 line screen display modes. For more
information about 43 line screen display modes, see the description
of EGASMCHR.COM in the chapter entitled "Starting Quickly".
1.2.15 Extends the IBM-PC ROM BIOS ______ _______ ___ ______ ___ ____ 1.2.15 Extends the IBM-PC ROM BIOS
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ The part of FANSI-CONSOLE which replaces the ROM BIOS, has several
additional capabilities. Among other things, it has additional
capabilities which make your IBM-PC more like an IBM-PC AT (in
versatility, if not in speed). For more information about ROM BIOS
FANSI-CONSOLE Distribution and Licensing _____________ FANSI-CONSOLE Distribution and Licensing
14.2 How are you limiting my use of FANSI-CONSOLE? _____________ 14.2 How are you limiting my use of FANSI-CONSOLE?
FANSI-CONSOLE (tm) abbreviated _____________ ____ ___________ The program FANSI-CONSOLE (tm) and its abbreviated user manual are
copyrighted restricted ___________ __________ copyrighted by Hersey Micro Consulting, Inc. We give restricted
permission to make unlimited numbers of copies for personal use. We
restricted __________ also give restricted permission to make unlimited numbers of copies
of the diskettes for distribution to others. To allow such copying,
___ we did not copy protect it.
14.2.1 Limitations 14.2.1 Limitations
The restrictions on this permission to make unlimited numbers copies ___ ____________ __ ____ __________ __ ____ _________ _______ ______ The restrictions on this permission to make unlimited numbers copies
are as follows: ___ __ ________ are as follows:
_______ ______ __ ___ ____ _______ _______ ___________ __ 1. Printed copies of the user manual, whether abbreviated or
_________ ____ ___ __ ___________ complete, must not be distributed without a written license
from Hersey Micro Consulting, Inc. to do so, even if it is done
FANSI- ______ for free and with no service charge. All copies of FANSI-
CONSOLE abbreviated _______ ___________ CONSOLE and its abbreviated user manual which are distributed
to others must be on magnetic media, such as diskettes, or via
electronic communications such as via electronic bulletin board
systems or electronic information networks. The recipients must
each print their own copies of the abbreviated user manual.
___ _____ __ ___ ________ ____ ______ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ 2. The parts of the complete user manual that are not in the
___________ ____ ______ ____ ___ __ ___________ abbreviated user manual must not be distributed in any form,
especially printed or on magnetic media, without a written
license from Hersey Micro Consulting, Inc. Nor should any part
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ of FANSI-CONSOLE be included with another product which is for
sale without payment of our usage royalty.
___ ______ ___________ __ ______ ____ _______ _____ _________ 3. All copies distributed to others must include files identical
__ ___ ___ ________ _____ to all the original files. A list of files is included in this
manual. So the program must not be distributed without the
abbreviated user manual, for example. The files may be
condensed via data compression techniques if the decompression
process results in files identical to all the original files,
and that the decompression program is included on the media in
object form. Versions of the program or abbreviated user manual
which have been otherwise modified, or incorporated into other
programs in whole or in part, must not be further distributed.
Files indicating program patches, or user manual addenda, may
be added to the media as separate files, providing that there
is room for such files on the media. Such changes must not
remove or change the copyright notices found in the program or
abbreviated user manual.
___ __ FANSI-CONSOLE ______ ___ ________ ____ __ _____ ___ __ _____________ 4. Use of FANSI-CONSOLE beyond ten business days of first use of
___ ________ ___ _____ _____ ________ __ _______ __ _ _________ the program, the "free trial period", is subject to a mandatory
_____ _______ _______ __ ___ _______ usage royalty payment of $25 (MI+4%) (United States) per
computer console (CRT) on which it may be used simultaneously.